Creative Learning SolutionsEmpowering Kids.
Helping Educators Excel.
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What We Do
We offer educational solutions for districts, schools, and homes in 3 ways.
Through our coaching, teachers gain strategies, tools, and motivation to make their classroom a sanctuary for learning. Both onsite and virtual options available.
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Customized workshops and solutions-based, high-quality professional development to meet the needs of your school.
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Created by our own experts and backed by research, our innovative products are teacher tested and student approved.
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explore our Math Solutions
Discover how to build confidence with strong number sense and increase fluency to raise math scores.
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explore our Literacy Solutions
Boost your students' literacy and reading skills through meaningful engagement with text and differentiated instruction.
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explore our Writing Solutions
Go beyond grammar worksheets to give your students essential opportunities to practice and experiment with the craft of writing.
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explore our PE Solutions
Give every student the opportunity to develop their physical literacy, gain confidence, and be more active.
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We have solutions for everyone
"ECC has been a great asset to our campus. Their ability to develop relationships with our teachers has allowed them to impact the teachers they are working with in so many different ways regarding proven instructional practices. All of our teachers have grown in their trade thanks to Empower’s vibrant PD sessions."
Jeff Armstrong / Assistant Principal
“Empower consultants made a difference at Ch'ooshgai as our reading and math scores improved impressively after reviewing and analyzing the NWEA reading and math assessment results. Thank you Empower for helping us build some consistencies for better learning and teaching.”
Dr. Leo Johnson / Assistant Superintendent
I have yet to come across any other teaching tools that were as effective as the Empower ELA and Math RTI kits. The kits are packed with hundreds of differentiated, leveled activities that provide practice for all the skills necessary to be a successful student.”
Edie Castaneda / 4th Grade Teacher
Proficiency Gains in Math & Literature
Increase in Parent Attendance & Participation
Gains in Collaboration with Student Peers

We Work from the Heart
“Our Empower team impacts the world daily through their love, dedication, and coaching. Each team member has unique individual qualities, but they all have a common thread: they always do what’s best for the kids.”
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